U.S. retains global science, tech preeminence: study 2:25am EDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States retains its global preeminence in science and technology, with a big boost from foreign students, scientists and engineers, a RAND Corporation report issued on Thursday said
Gli Usa mantengono il promato nelle scienze e tecnologie
Life expectancy rises, Alzheimer's deaths mount
La vita degli americani si allunga ma crescono anche i casi di Alzheimer
Secondo un'indagine del Centro per il controllo e la prevenzione delle malattie in Usa l'aspettativa di vita nel 2006 si è alzata, raggiungendo il record di 78,1 anni (per le sole donne è di 80,7 anni). Ma contemporaneamente l'Alzheimer è salito al sesto posto tra le principali malattie fatali.
Why it hurts to sell your stuff
Brain-imaging study proves that it's hard to part with the things we own.
Alberi termostatici grazie alle foglie
Le foglie sono in grado di regolare la temperatura delle piante mantenendola costante a circa 21° C sia quando il sole è molto caldo, sia quando è brutto tempo o il clima è freddo. La scoperta è il risultato di una ricerca condotta su 39 specie arboree nord americane nell'arco di 50 gradi di latitudine.
Unicorns do exist.
A young one-horned row deer lives in the Centre of Natural Science in Prato, Italy. That shows that all the myths and stories telling about these fantastic animals were not just phantasy, but the result of a morphologic anomaly.
Useful pollution in the sky.
Automated flying science experiments have shown that air pollution may help keep the planet cool. Because sunlight is reflecting back into space, reducing air pollution could make global warming worse, researchers found.
Isn’t a vicious circle?
When politics meet food.
After Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi critics to Finnish food, in 2005, Finland has now created the “pizza Berlusconi”, made with smoked reindeer.
Advertisements say “Bit Berlusconi”: a funny way to revenge on the italian politician and a good marketing strategy.
Drivers in NZ are using inflatable dolls to help them beat traffic rules. By law, they can drive in a special lane if they have 3 more than passengers in the car.
Albinos in Tanzania are being killed for their body parts, because the locals think they have magical powers.
A study shows that the higher your IQ is, the less likely you are to believe in God.