Favolaschia è un genere di fungo molto strano, infestante, originario dei tropici. Ma la globalizzazione l'ha portato anche nei nostri boschi! Questo sito non parla di funghi, ma favolaschia mi sembrava un nome significativo e evocativo di qualcosa di simile a quello che qui viene raccontato...

30 maggio 2008


Sounds of hope out of a dump

Who said that there was no hope in the world anymore? Who said that humanity become nothing but a self-serving, egocentric kind?
Here is the story of a man that, with as little as love and music, is changing his country, and the whole globe.

In the capital of one of the poorest countries in South America, Paraguay, there is a neighborhood built around the city’s main dump. In the middle of all the rubbish, you can hear very unexpected sounds: violins, basses, cellos, laughs. Why? Because Luis Szaran, the conductor of the country’s symphony orchestra, decided to establish a music school right there.

Here you can find a very inspiring video and more information.

Un anno da Robinson Crusoe
Adventurer will live 300 days as Robinson Crusoe
French explorer and adventurer Xavier Rosset is about to embark on a 300 day trip to live alone on a remote tropical island in the South Pacific. His adventures will be filmed and used for a 52 minute documentary.
L'esploratore francese Xavier Rosset si accinge a vivere da solo su un'isola tropicale nel pacifico per 300 giorni. L'ecquipaggiamento del naufrago sarà costituito da macete, videocamera ricaricabile con pannelli solari e l'immancabile coltellino svizzero. Da quest'esperienza verrà tratto un film sul rapporto uomo natura, di riflessione sul nostro stile di vita. Sugli schermi nella primavera 2009.

Da uovo a pulcino in 20 foto
The Miracle of Birth
Se avete problemi di colesterolo, ecco un buon metodo per smettere di mangiare uova: basta guardare questa sequenza di incredibili foto che mostrano la formazione di un pulcino da un tuorlo.

Scoperte scientifiche truccate
Secondo la rivista The Chronicle of Higher Education è diffusa tra i ricercatori l'abitudine di correggere con Photoshop alcune immagini di laboratorio, relative alle loro ricerche. Se l'esperimento non è perfettamente riuscito, basta un colpo di gomma o un tocco di colore e le cose vanno a posto. Questo problema ha costretto giornali scientifici come Nature e Science ad adottare metodi di analisi delle foto molto accurati.
Bioscientists photoshop their cultures to fake results
Jeff sez, "Researchers often use Photoshop to clean up the images they produce in the laboratory. If the experiment didn't go quite right, a bit of tampering can make a gel look like things did work. Editors at Science, Nature, and other journals are turning into detectives, using new tools to hunt for fraudulent images."

Quello che i tuoi occhi dicono di te
What Your Eyes Say About Your Mood
Has anyone ever told you that you looked sad or tired when you weren’t? If the problem isn’t your mood, it might be your face, according to a study in the medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Many plastic surgery procedures, such as eyelid surgery or brow lifts, actually generated anger and disgust reactions, with study participants rating those faces as looking angry or tired.
I ricercatori della Yale University hanno fatto uno studio sul legame esistente tra espressioni facciali e stato d'animo e caratteristiche caratteriali. Il risultato è che in genere la gente tende a percepire valori negativi, incosnciamente, di fronte a volti ritoccati: sopracciglia, sguardo e altri particolari non naturali comunicano generalmente tristezza e stanchezza.

In pictures: Gold mining in DR Congo
Pure Gold?’ is CAFOD's new photographic exhibition which reveals the truth behind the glamour of gold through striking images and accounts from three continents.

Stonehenge e i suoi mille segreti
Qualche altro mistero su Stonehenge è svelato: questo affascinante luogo è stato usato come cimitero per ben 500 anni (più di quanto si pensasse) da una famiglia reale

29 maggio 2008

Scoperto il fossile della prima mamma
Gli scienziati hanno scoperto i resti di un antichissimo vertebrato risalenti a 375 milioni di anni fa con embrione e cordone ombelicale annessi. Si tratta del più antico esempio di fossile di una madre con prole. L'animale era un Placoderma, classe di animali definiti dinosauri del mare, attualmente estinti e comparabili ai moderni squali.

La mappa degli odori
Gli scienziati del Weizmann Institute hanno realizzato una mappa che mette in relazione gli odori tra loro, collocandoli più vicini o più lontani a seconda della loro somiglianza e delle molecole che li compongono. Questa mappa potrà aiutare a digitalizzare e riprodurre gli odori in un prossimo futuro.

PhotoGallery: Inside the Architecture of Authority
Photographer Richard Ross examines the way institutional buildings exert power over people.

Humans can judge a dog by its growl
We can size up a dog simply by listening to its growl — but not in the way you might think.

Cat Saves Japanese Railway
The highest-ranking female at the Wakayama Electric Railway Co. does nothing more than sit around looking cute, but no one minds because she's single-handedly caused ridership on the struggling transit system to jump more than 10 percent.

28 maggio 2008

Terror in NYC after toad venom love drug kills man
Health officials in New York are cautioning people to avoid a "street aphrodisiac" made from the excretions of a poisonous toad, after a man consumed the illegal concoction and died.

Electro-sensitive people want to ban WiFI
A group of self-described "electro-sensitives" in New Mexico say they are being discriminated against because public buildings such as libraries have Wi-Fi in them, and they claim that WI-Fi make them sick.

Ghost Bikes: A Memorial to Cyclists
Treehugger writes about the benefits and joys of cycling but there is another sombre side: dangerous driving and drivers can mean death. Ghost bikes are a spontaneous memorial to lost cyclists; they are old bikes painted white and locked near the crash site, accompanied by a small explanatory plaque. They serve as a message to those who pass by and a reminder of the need for safe cycling

The perfect robot-woman
During the last 3 years the two founders of AI ROBOTICS company have dedicated all their time and energy to their project “robot woman LISA” which thanks to the support of numerous foreign investors will be presented to the public on June 11 2008.http://www.perfect-woman.com/en/compagnie.php


Solar iPhone? Solar iPod? Solar Macbook?

Environmentally Friendly Bombs Planned
Esplosivi ecosostenibili
Scienziati tedeschi stanno sperimentando una nuova categoria di esplosivi che a differenza degli esplosivi comunemente usati in ambito militare e industriale, producono una bassa quantità di derivati tossici.
New explosives could be more powerful and safer to handle than TNT and other conventional explosives and would also be more environmentally friendly.

27 maggio 2008

Poncho world record attempt
Residents in Nobsa, Colombia, celebrated International Poncho Day by draping their church in what they claim is the biggest poncho ever made.
A puppy, a parrot and a lamb were also dressed up in knitwear to mark the occasion.

How Green Is the College? Time the Showers
The New York Times visits Oberlin College's new SEED, or Student Experiment in Ecological Design, "a microcosm of a growing sustainability movement on campuses nationwide, from small liberal arts colleges like Oberlin and Middlebury, in Vermont, to Lansing Community College in Michigan, to Morehouse in Atlanta, to public universities like the University of New Hampshire."

Montenegro Introduces Eco-Tax For Tourist Cars
Montenegro will launch a new green tax this summer for all foreign cars, buses and trucks entering the Adriatic state to try to protect its environment, officials said on Monday.

China set to ban ultra-thin plastic bags
BEIJING (Reuters) - China is about to try to kick a 3 billion-a-day plastic bag habit. But breaking the addiction, in a bid to save energy and protect the environment, will be easier said than done.

Cheese rolling at Coopers Hill
Nineteen people were injured chasing a cheese after relentless rains made the UK's most bizarre sporting challenge more perilous.


China launches weather satellite to aid Olympic forecasts
BEIJING (Reuters) - China launched a second weather satellite on Tuesday to help improve forecasts for this August's Beijing Olympics, state media reported.
La Cina ha messo in orbita il secondo satellite per agevolare le previsioni del tempo durante le imminenti Olimpiadi di Beijing. Poter rimandare gli eventi e prevedere la pioggia, comune in agosto in quella regione, eviterebbe l'utilizzo di sostanze chimiche che le autorità cinesi hanno già utilizzato con successo in passato.

Remote controlled planes to explore hurricanes
MIAMI (Reuters) - U.S. researchers are ramping up their use of unmanned, remote-controlled airplanes this year to penetrate the heart of Atlantic hurricanes in the hope of learning more about what makes the giant storms tick.
I ricercatori americani stanno progettando un aereo telecomandato per studiare dall'interno gli uragani e capire meglio come si formano e si sviluppano.

Ammaraggio su marte
Sul sito space.com la guida passo per passo dell'ammaraggio di Phoenix su Marte. Con molti video e immagini.

Un nuovo robot che cammina come l'uomo
Questo droide alto poco più di un metro è stato costruito solo per camminare, imitando alla perfezione l'andatura umana. Potrà essere utilizzato per migliorare le tecniche di riabilitazione. (video e immagini)

26 maggio 2008

Putting a spring in your step
There's nothing new about doctors recommending their patients take more exercise. But what kind?

KENYA: Teenage Mothers Denied Education
NAIROBI, May 23 (IPS) - At 17, Julia Metito* (*not her real name) should be in her final year in secondary school in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, but three years ago she had to leave school to give birth and then nurse a child. Today, she finds herself in Class Seven with 13-year-olds. 13,000 girls leave school every year in Kenya due to pregnancy.

Record-breaking Mentos and Coke
It was to be one of the biggest science experiments ever seen yet there was not a bunson burner or test tube in sight. Around 1,500 students kitted out in waterproof ponchos discovered exactly what happens when you drop a mint sweet into a bottle of Coca Cola, in an attempt to break a world record.

China sends emergency relief to quake-hit pandas
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has sent emergency bamboo-shoot rations to pandas at a reserve in the Sichuan earthquake zone because no one there is collecting it for them, state media said on Thursday.

New Survivalists Prepare for End of Oil
BUSKIRK, N.Y. (AP) — A few years ago, Kathleen Breault was just another suburban grandma, driving countless hours every week, stopping for lunch at McDonald's, buying clothes at the mall, watching TV in the evenings. That was before Breault heard an author talk about the bleak future of the world's oil supply. Now, she's preparing for the world as we know it to disappear.

British UFO shocker! Government officials were telling the truth
Phenomena reported to Britain's Ministry of Defense over the years and made public this month were almost certainly not actual alien aircraft piloted by actual alien beings.

The Elevator Ghost Hoax - Wednesday May 21, 2008
A viral video making the rounds since March appears to be a snippet from a security cam tape showing the ghost of an old woman haunting a well-known office building in Singapore. As the video unfolds, two workers enter the elevator, ride down a few floors, then exit, revealing a ghostly, stooped figure who slowly shuffles off after them.

23 maggio 2008

Blogging your life away
Emily Gould narrates what she gained and lost by blogging about intimate details of her life

Killer spared from murder
The parole board in the US of georgia spared convicted killer hours before he was due to die by lethal injec

mom caged her son, she gets 20 years behind bars
A mother was sentenced to 20 years in prison Thursday for keeping her 17-year-old adopted son caged in her home. She pleaded guilty in January to three counts of aggravated child abuse.


Permanent Breakfast, a project started by an Austrian artist, is a way to bring people together to have breakfast in public spaces that are not necessarily obvious picnic spots.The rule is that the organizer must invite at least four people under the condition that each one of them subsequently invites four other people for a new breakfast to be held somewhere else. And so on.

A car dealer in Missouri is giving out a free handgun with every car or truck bought, as a promotion. Business has soared.

A californian biotech company BioArts International is holding an unusual auction, called Best Friends Again. With bidding starting at $100,000, the company promises to clone your dog!

A “spasso” col velib
Se all’improvviso la vita a Parigi inizia a sembrarvi noiosa, c’è sempre un modo per movimentarla con una esperienza che può farti rasentare la morte : il velib.

Giornata mondiale per la Biodiversità
Per aumentare la consapevolezza e la conoscenza delle risorse che permettono l’esistenza della vita sul pianeta nelle sue varie forme, le Nazioni Unite dal 2000 hanno proclamato il 22 maggio quale “Giornata mondiale per la Biodiversità " (IBD...

L'Europa contro l'ecomafia
Approvata oggi la Direttiva che impone a ciascuno stato membro di stabilire e applicare sanzioni pecuniarie e penali per i reati ecologici

Giornata mondiale delle tartarughe
[World Turtle Day Is May 23, 2008
...and HerpArts.com, the only online gift shop for people who love reptiles and amphibians, is having a special fundraising sale to celebrate -- and to help turtles at the same time. This year, from May 22 to May 25, 10 percent of the purchase price of all items bought through HerpArts.com will benefit the Center for Biological Diversity's work to stop commercial collection of turtles.
At HerpArts.com, you'll find all kinds of reptile and amphibian items for all kinds of people, including fine art, antique prints, jewelry, household decorative items, sculptures, photo albums, toys, stationery, bumper stickers, crossing signs, books... and even more.
So surf on over to www.herparts.com, shop, and help the Center save the turtles.]
About turtles: http://exoticpets.about.com/cs/reptilesturtles/a/turtlestortoise.htm

CZECH REPUBLIC: Read the Papers And Fear the Muslims
PRAGUE, May 23 (IPS) - One result of the Czech media and politicians' frequent warnings of the dangers of Islamic terrorism has been a growing Islamophobia.

Gadget? 'Virtual bike' improves safety
Motocicletta virtuale
L'Università di Nottingham ha presentato un simulatore di motocicletta che potrà aiutare a monitorare il comportamento dei motociclisti e a prevenire gli incidenti. Primo nel suo genere, il sistema di simulazione impiega la proiezione su uno schermo del tracciato, integrata con il telaio di una vera Triumph Daytona collegata a sua volta a un software.

CUBA: Sexual Diversity - the Rainbow Revolution
HAVANA, May 21 (IPS) - Nearly 50 years after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, sexual minorities are at last beginning to feel that their voice is being heard and that they can finally take their place in the movement towards a more just and inclusive society.

22 maggio 2008

L'ufficio verde è più produttivo
Secondo uno studio americano la presenza di piante negli uffici incrementa il benessere dei lavoratori e di conseguenza il rendimento. Anche la presenza di finestre aiuta a lavorare meglio, ma sembra che le piante diano più beneficio (e senza dubbio sono un elemento più semplice da aggiungere nella stanza)

Brazil Indians, Activists Protest Over Amazon Dam
BRASILIA - The construction of a proposed dam on Brazil's Xingu river will flood homes of 16,000 people, dry rivers and fuel logging, activists and tribal Indians warned on Wednesday as concern over Amazon destruction rises.

Senegalese Fisherman Save Dozens Of Stranded Whales
YOFF, Senegal - Senegalese fishermen dragged dozens of stranded pilot whales back out to sea on Wednesday but at least 20 more died on the beach after mysteriously coming ashore.

Queen Goes Green With World's Largest Wind Turbine
ABERDEEN, Scotland - Britain's Queen Elizabeth is going green by investing in the largest wind turbine in the world, her property company the Crown Estate said on Wednesday.

Scientists Discover 'Frogamander' Fossil
Scoperto fossile di ranamandra
CHICAGO - The discovery of a "frogamander," a 290 million-year-old fossil that links modern frogs and salamanders, may resolve a longstanding debate about amphibian ancestry, Canadian scientists said on Wednesday.

Scoperto fossile di ranamandra
Un team di scienziati dell'Università di Calgary ha annunciato la scoperta in Texas del fossile di un antenato comune di rane e salamandre. Risale a 290 milioni di anni fa, è stato nominato Gerobatrachus hottoni e va a colmare la lacuna di conoscenze sull'evoluziona delle diverse specie anfibie a partire da un progenitore comune. La ranamandra era stata scoperta in texas nel '95 da un team dello Smithsonian Institution ma era rimasto non identificato per anni)

Two boys in a Argentina Tortured infant to death
Two brothers, age 7 and 9, told psychiatrists they slowly, coldly
tortured a 2-year-old girl to death, a revelation that has reopened a
debate in Argentina over how to punish juvenile delinquents

Witch hunt in Kenya
Officials say a mob in western Kenya has burned to death 11 people
suspected of being witches and wizards.

Kids show makes spinach look cool
Thanks to a man from Iceland, Magnus Scheving, creator of a hit
children's show Lazy Town, kids around the world are suddenly getting
active and eating their veggies.


Schools and universities could soon be facing a different kind of drug problem: a rise in students taking brain-enhancing pills to boost their exam results.

Amsterdam Weekly has launched a fundraising campaign in which they've taken their own editorial content hostage. Readers must collaborate and pay a ransom if they want the content to be printed or else, Amsterdam Weekly will consist of blank pages. The money collected will go to charity.

An Italian website is giving out T-shirts with formulae and grammar rules to help wearers pass their exams.

21 maggio 2008

Technical virgins
A survey examining sexual practices of U.S. teens has undercut the
notion that many engage in oral sex rather than intercourse to stay
"technically" virgins, researchers said on Tuesday.

No Sex in the Holy City
The Movie Sex and the City premiers around the world next month, but
film distributors and advertisers will have to figure how to advertise
it in Jerusalem considering that the city (and its people) find the
word Sex offensive and unacceptable on any public billboards.

Eco-friendly newlyweds:
Two newlyweds have arrived in Brisbane (Australia) on their
eco-friendly four-wheel drive adventure using fish and chip oil
instead of fuel. They are the first people to use recycled vegetable
oil as a fuel alternative on a trip around Australia
Cosmetics for the dead - A korean make-up artist has launched a range of products to make the dead seem more life-like.

Motorists in Gaza (which is under fuel sanctions) are now using left-over oil from falafels (fried street food) to power their cars.

A day before the Chinese earthquake, thousands of toads mysteriously swarmed the streets of Mianzhu, one of the worst-hit cities. Was there a connection?

UN Experts Battle Fire Ants, Other Invasive Species
Le formiche conquisteranno il mondo (vedi anche formica nera africana)
BONN, Germany - To the unsuspecting observer, the red imported fire ant, less than one centimetre in length and reddish brown in colour, looks as harmless as any other ant.

Impronte di dinosauro in Yemen
LONDON - Scientists have discovered the tracks of a herd of 11 long-necked sauropods walking along a coastal mudflat in what is now the Republic of Yemen, the first discovery of dinosaur footprints on the Arabian peninsula.

US To Ban Slaughter Of Cattle Too Sick To Walk
Gli Stati Uniti vieteranno la macellazione di bestiame che non sia in grado di camminare o che sia in cattive condizioni di salute.
WASHINGTON - Cattle too sick or injured to walk will be banned from entering US slaughterhouses, the Agriculture Department said on Tuesday, a change that comes months after the largest meat recall in American history.


(May 11, 2008) Stephen Hawking in hunt for Africa's hidden talent
Professor Stephen Hawking, who has devoted his career to finding the origins of the universe, is to begin a new search – for Africa’s answer to Einstein.

Uganda: Black Ants a Threat to Bee Population, Honey Industry
A COMMON type of black ants has been singled out as the most devastating pest to bees in Uganda. The insects commonly called munyeera in Luganda, nginingini in Luo, attack beehives, suck out the honey and kill the bee pupae and eggs. They are too small to be counter-attacked by beehive guards. They make the bees flee the hives.

Namibia: Tsumkwe Conservancy Makes History
Na-Jaqna in Tsumkwe west has become the first conservancy to become a community forest. The community there recently voted overwhelmingly for the integrated management of the animals and forest resources in their area. New Era understands that many more will follow this model. Conservancies need to hold AGMs for their members to decide.

Namibia: Green Skyscraper for Capital
Windhoek will have its first 'green' and tallest skyscraper by mid-2010.

Kenya: Varsity Researchers Put Smiles On the Faces of Banana Farmers
Farmers have a reason to cheer after discovery of a banana variety which is more resistant to pests. Three scientists at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology led by Esther Kahangi have strengthened the popular tissue culture banana to resist devastating pest which have been a nightmare for farmers.

20 maggio 2008

I geni del gatto della tasmania rivivono in un topo
Gli scienziati hanno riattivato il DNA la Tigre della Tasmania o Tilacino, una specie di marsupiale estinta nel 1936, inserendolo nelle cellule embrionali di un topo. L'esperimento è stato unico finora nel suo genere: il dna estratto dai resti dell'animale estinto può così essere studiato in condizioni vitali.

10 cose da sapere sul caffè
Il caffè può ucciderti (ma solo se ne bevi 100 tazze di seguito). Il caffè fa bene perchè contiene antiossidanti, può incrementare il piacere sessuale e può alleviare il dolore. Un riassunto in 10 puntate su tutte le proprietà positive e negative della bevanda italiana per eccellenza.

Le variazioni climatiche su Google Earth
Climate Change in Our World è un progetto nato dalla cooperazione tra Google e il Ministero dell'ambiente britannico: attraverso Google Earth i visitatori possono avere una visione futura delle variazioni climatiche e le relative conseguenze sulla terra entro il 2010.

The Museo de Falso in , Italy is a museum of counterfit paintings. It displays thousands of near-perfect imitations that have been confiscated by the Carabineri.

The British government wants to create a database to store the details of every phone call made, every email sent and every web page visited by British citizens.

Texas has suddenly been overrun by little red ants that eat electronics. They seem to be eating ipods, computers, burglar alarm systems, telephones etc, and are unaffected by over the counter poisons.

19 maggio 2008

What’s “Vigorexia”?
Eggs, chicken, vitamins... After anorexia and bulima, vigorexia is the lastest feeding disorder among sporty people to stay strong and to stand up to long and exhausting trainings.

20 times stronger.
An aluminum and electronics dress can multiply the wearer's strength and endurance.
The Army believes soldiers may someday wear the suits in combat.

Homosexuality is not against nature.
In order to fight omosexuality among human beings, people who still don’t tolerate it have often turned to the “wild argument” , saying that homosexuality has no a reprudictive function.
Scientists are not sure about it any more.


China is trying a new method to dealing with the food crisis. They have been blasting seeds up into space on rockets, and the seeds have been coming down as giant vegetables, ten times the size of normal produce. While the government is not sure what exactly is causing this crazy growth, the are expanding the program, and 22 provinces will now grow their food in this way.

There are still a few places in the US that use a mechanical system to pump gas (the pump with the little scrolling numbers) They're going to have a problem when fuel prices hit 4$ a gallon, because they are not equipped to show anything higher than 3.99.

A Social Networking map of the world.

Development Crucial To Saving The Brazilian Amazon
SAO PAULO - The best way to preserve the Amazon rain forest is to develop the region and bring viable economic alternatives to the millions of people who live there, a Brazilian cabinet member said on Friday.

Video: The Next Step along the Wi-Fi Highway
The information superhighway hits the real road, giving drivers interactive directions, real time traffic, entertainment, e-mail in the car, shopping and dining choices and emergency services.

Le nausee mattutine fanno bene al feto
I medici hanno sempre associato la nausea mattutina delle donne in stato interessante a una buona gravidanza. Ora uno studio dimostra che si tratta di un sistema naturale per proteggere il feto scoraggiando la madre a ingerire sostanza potenzialmente dannose per il nascituro.

Omosessualità in natura
L'omosessualità non è una peculiarità umana ma è largamente diffusa in natura. Secondo lo zoologo Petter Böckman, dell'Università di Oslo, sono circa 1500 le specie animali tra cui è nota l'esistenza di coppie dello stesso sesso, compresi orsi, gorilla, gufi, salmoni, ecc.

16 maggio 2008

Attrazione chimica (video)
Come rendere divertente lo studio della chimica, dei legami e delle attrazioni tra gli elementi? Ci ha pensato Roderick Fenske, che ha ideato questo spot su commissione dell'UE nell'ambito del programma Marie Curie. Gli elementi chimici sono rappresentati da persone che partecipano a un party.

Car Monogamy
Matteo Ferrari is a Italian photographer who asked people who have had the same car for many years to show him an old photo next to their cars. Then, looking at the old photo, he shot the owners and the cars today. The result is really fun and interesting and it's now in an exhibition in Milan. But the photos can also be seeing on Ferrari's website

Nasa wants you to stay in bed
Nasa is looking for people to take part of a experiment. Here is the deal: In order to study a person as if they were in space without gravity, NASA scientists use head down tilt bed rest. The 115-119 day study will follow the Bed Rest Project standard model and be conducted at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. Participants will live in a special research unit for the entire study and be fed a carefully controlled diet.

A victory against online bullying
A federal grand jury issued an indictment against a woman in Missouri accused of creating a fake MySpace page to bully a 13-year-old girl. The girl committed suicide as a result of the bullying.


Indians Find U.S. at Fault in Food Cost
NEW DELHI — Instead of blaming India and other developing nations for the rise in food prices, Americans should rethink their energy policy — and go on a diet.

Uganda: Africa a Film Source
THE exodus of American and European film makers to Africa to shoot movies has been explained by one of Africa's celebrated top movie directors as Africa being the source for film-making.
Nigeria: Mirror of Beauty for Cannes Film Festival
History will be made at this year's Cannes Film Festival in France as a Nigerian film, Mirror of Beauty has been accepted for screening amongst other tops films from across the world. Speaking to movie reporters before leaving for the festival, chairman/CEO of Atlantic Overseas, Mr. Andrien Gbinigie expressed delight at the major feat by a Nigerian movie on the global scene.

Photographers stand up for your rights in LA, June 1
One June 1, photographers throughout Los Angeles will gather at the Hollywood and Highland Metro Station to peacefully protest against the unnecessary treatment they have received from security guards (particularly the white shirts), LAPD, and LASD while photographing in public places, and on the Metro.

15 maggio 2008

Puzzle alarm clock
Over at BB Gadgets, Rob posts about this cleverly annoying alarm clock that requires you to put the three pieces in the correct holes to shut it off.

Solar-powered bra
A Japanese lingerie firm has unveiled the perfect gadget for eco-friendly sun worshippers - the solar-powered bra.

(Very) Close together
Michael Roach, a buddhist teacher, and Christie McNally vowed to be both celibate and never apart by more than 15 feet or so

New Spider Species Named After Neil Young
Neil Young has more than made his name in the rock game. Now, thanks to East Carolina University biologist Jason Bond, he's also making a name for himself in science. Literally. Bond discovered a new species of trapdoor spider last year in Alabama and set about publishing a paper about it with Norman I. Platnick, curator at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. When it came time to name his discovery, Bond reached not into the annals of science but those of music, dubbing it Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi (teach your children how to pronounce that

Chicago Overturns Foie Gras Ban
Chicagoans can feast on foie gras once more. The Chicago City Council just repealed the ban on its sale that it put in place two years ago.


No pay no heir
An italian research shows that the stress caused by uncertainty at work and finances problems can make young people impotent.

Fill her up with... pcs!
Scientists in Romania and Turkey are seeking ways to remove toxic materials from electronics so these scrap materials can be safely recycled and junk computers could fuel cars.

Gaza children hit before they are born
Many babies are born suffering from anaemia inherited from their mothers, who did’t get enough nutrition through pregnancy because of Israeli siege.

Neo-vedenti ipersensibili
Il cervello di chi recupera la vista dopo anni di cecità mantiene a lungo i segni della mancanza della vista, come la conversione di alcune parti della corteccia visiva a funzioni non visive. L'elaborazione dei movimenti ad esempio viene stimolata in pari percentuale da suoni e da stimoli visivi, diversamente da quanto accade nei normo-vedenti.

140 anni fa esplose una stella
Gli scienziati hanno scoperto i resti della più giovane supernova esplosa nella Via Lattea circa 140 anni fa. Fino ad ora la supernova più giovane conosciuta era Cassiopeia A (330 anni) conosciuta fin dagli anni '50. L'esplosione di una supernova, uno degli eventi astronomici più violenti, provoca un bagliore accecante che illumina un'intera galassia.

Carburante dai rottami dei computer
Ricercatori rumeni hanno trovato il modo di riciclare i circuiti dei computer per creare nuovi prodotti come carburante e palstica.

14 maggio 2008

Nigeria: Mirror of Beauty for Cannes Film Festival
History will be made at this year's Cannes Film Festival in France as a Nigerian film, Mirror of Beauty has been accepted for screening amongst other tops films from across the world.
Speaking to movie reporters before leaving for the festival, chairman/CEO of Atlantic Overseas, Mr. Andrien Gbinigie expressed delight at the major feat by a Nigerian movie on the global scene.

London supermarket secretly photographs alcohol/cigarette buyers, wants national database
Budgens, a London supermarket chain, secretly records biometric facial photos of people who buy cigarettes and alcohol and compares it to a database of known underage buyers, and they're hoping to link their database with other grocery chains around the country. This means that just bringing a bottle up to the till means that your likeness and details will be added to a nationwide database, recording your movements and purchasing habits.

Aereo solare, primo decollo virtuale
E' virtuale il primo volo dell'aereo solare a emissioni zero che, nel 2011, dovrebbe realizzare per la prima volta l'impresa del "volo perpetuo", volando senza interruzioni di giorno e di notte utilizzando solo l'energia solare. Il decollo-test avverrà grazie a un simulatore virtuale di ultima generazione che coinvolgerà a turno i due piloti Bertrand Piccar e Andrè Borschberg che controlleranno e cercheranno di risolvere eventuali problemi durante il volo. E' possibile seguire il volo sul sito www.solarimpulsevirtualflight.com.

(ANSA) - ROMA - Risparmiare energia e tagliare la bolletta senza rinunciare ai comfort della vita moderna, facendo bene all'ambiente. All'insegna di questa missione parte oggi da Milano il camion Enel.si per le ''Giornate del sole'', con la collaborazione di Cittadinanzattiva, Legambiente, Movimento Difesa del Cittadino e Unione Nazionale Consumatori. Fino al 28 maggio - si legge in un comunicato - le ''Giornate del Sole'' toccheranno altre nove citta': Torino, Genova, Bologna, Firenze, Perugia, Roma, Napoli, Palermo e Siracusa, con altrettante iniziative. Ai cittadini saranno distribuite due guide pratiche: una sull' efficienza e risparmio energetico e l'altra sul fotovoltaico e solare termico.

“European Solar Days”, 12-18 maggio 2008 - E' iniziata la settimana dell’energia solare…158 iniziative in calendario!
In cosa consistono gli “European Solar Days”? Le amministrazioni locali, le scuole di ogni ordine e grado, le università, le associazioni ambientaliste, i comitati di cittadini, le stesse aziende che operano nel settore organizzano diversi tipi di manifestazione nelle proprie località.

More black than white - and yet, so much difference!
A study from IPEA, a serious research center in Brazil, says that by the end of this year there will be more black people than white people in Brazil, a country well know for its carnival, football and - because of this events and the way they gather together blacks and whites - the equality between the two groups. Equality? This week, and because of the remembrance of the 13th of May (date when the slavery system was abolished in Brazil), Brazilian media has been proving that my country is very far from having that so dreamed equality.
Just to cite two examples, recent studies show that black women are paid 51% less than white skinned woman and that black skinned people only hold 3,5% of leadership jobs.
(all links in portuguese)

The 50 greatest commercial parodies of all time
The online magazine Nerve brings a great compilation of commecial parodies in its recent issue. As they explain it "It didn't take long after the rise of TV commercials for comedians to take note of just how ridiculous most of those commercials were.(...) Parodies began popping up in the early '70s (...). But it was Saturday Night Live's 1975 debut that ripped the genre wide open. (...) As advertising grew more sophisticated, so did the satires that chased it. In today's irony-saturated comedy landscape, it's difficult to find a sketch show that doesn't do fake ads in one form or another.

Produce your own fuel
Efuel 100 has developed a contraption that lets you make your own ethanol out of water, sugar, and yeast, and fill up your car at home. It's definitely not for the typical lazy American, but given the popularity of Hybrids, DIY ethanol could become a real trend. And they are ready for pre-orders!


Once upona time.. a b c d e f g....
A study published on the Archives of Disease in Childhood by dott. Zuckerman from Boston University School of Medicine found that reading tales to children is one of the greatest ways to develop their skills in language.

Aliens Are My Brother'.
The astronomer Father Gabriel Funes, writing in the Vatican newspaper, said intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space.
The search for forms of extraterrestrial life, he says, does not contradict belief in God.

Going green (with green shoes).
Terra Plana is giving you a £10 discount on a pair of their gorgeous shoes if you bring in an old pair of unwanted shoes, any brand, to their Covent Garden or London Bridge stores for recycling. 330 million pairs of shoes go into landfill each year, so here’s your chance to do something about it.

13 maggio 2008

Young children tend to think that other kids with glasses look smarter than kids who don’t wear glasses, according to a new study.
Secondo uno studio statunitense i bambini tra i 6 e i 10 anni ritengono i loro coetanei più intelligenti e onesti se hanno gli occhiali. Non ne giudicano però l'apparenza nè le abilità fisiche.

Pain killers and elderly mental decline
Results from a large government experiment are dimming hopes that two common painkillers can prevent Alzheimer's disease or slow mental decline in older people

Nagging Text messages to reminde teens to take their meds
Teens too often skip their meds especially those with chronic illnesses like asthma, diabetes or kidney disease. It is at this stage in their lives when youths may most hate feeling different from their friends because of medication, special diets or other therapy. Cincinnati doctors are experimenting with text messaging to tackle a big problem

Driver buckles beer in the car but forgets to do the same with his child
An Australian driver who secured a carton of beer in his car with a seat belt but left a 5-year-old child unrestrained was fined 750 Australian dollars ($710; €460), police said Tuesday.


Religious believers can no longer quote Einstein
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." So said Albert Einstein, and his famous aphorism has been the source of endless debate between believers and non-believers (...) A little known letter written by him, however, may help to settle the argument (...) Due to be auctioned this week in London after being in a private collection for more than 50 years, the document leaves no doubt that the theoretical physicist was no supporter of religious beliefs, which he regarded as "childish superstitions".

Sweet activism
Ulrika Erdes doesn't set out to be subversive (or to change the world in any way other than to make you smile), but her public embroidery work is unique and presents a new opportunity for activist artists to use craft to stage public interventions.

I'm sorry to announce... Japanese whisky is better than Scottish!
Japanese whisky has finally scotched all criticism by being voted the best in the world, ahead of its Highland rivals.
Yoichi 20 years old, distilled on the shores of the Sea of Japan, has become the first variety produced outside Scotland to win the coveted single malt award in an international competition run by Whisky Magazine, the main industry publication.

From Nazi bunker to modern art home
A collector transformed a Second World War bunker in Berlin into a private museum. The museum opens in June with Christian Boros' collection, that includes works from Damian Hirst,Olafur Eliasson, Wolfgang Tillmans, Anselm Reyle, Tobias Rehberger and Cosima von Bonin. But Boros - who is a Polish business man in Berlin - knows that part of the possible success of the museum will be its building, which is part of the 20th century history: it was built in 1942 and protected the nazi officials from bombs, then it was used as a prison in 1945, later was used as a place to store food.
http://www.revistaenie.clarin.com/notas/2008/05/12/01670489.html (in Spanish)


Someone is following you.
A venician voyeur has been cought filming girls’ bottoms under their skirts.
He confessed to police he had been filming in and around St Mark's Square for nearly two years.

A "fruit only policy" at school.
According to a study from Cardiff University, children are more willing to use fruit tuck shops and eat fruit as a snack at school if they and their friends are not allow to take in unhealthy snacks.
But if unhealthy snacks are to be banned, and children can't get what they want to eat inside school, they’ll probably go down the road and get it.

Crazy sex but sex
A young male Antarctic fur seal’s been seen subduing a king penguin on a beach on Marion Island near the Antarctic spotted.
At first sight it seemed to be hunting the penguin, but then it became clear that his intentions were rather more amorous.

Wind in Sails of Wind Energy
WASHINGTON (AP) — Two decades from now Americans could get as much electricity from windmills as from nuclear power plants, according to a government report that lays out a possible plan for wind energy growth.

Wow! Cell Phone of the Future
What do you want your cell phone to be able to do?
Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Hal Abelson put that question to about 20 computer science students this semester when he gave them one assignment: Design a software program for cell phones that use Google Inc.'s upcoming Android mobile operating system. In the process, they revealed the power of an open system like Android to shake up the mobile phone industry, where wireless companies are being pressured to loosen the control they have maintained over what devices do. If the brainstorms of these MIT students are an indication, phones will soon challenge the Internet as a source of innovation.
Prove di Android al MIT
"Che cosa vorreste che il vostro cellulare fosse in grado di fare?" Il professor Abelson del Massachusetts Institute of Technology ha assegnato questo compito ai suoi studenti chiedendogli di disegnare un software usando il sistema operativo Android. I risultati sono interessanti e sono stati pensati per avere poi un futuro commericiale. La maggior parte dei dispositivi è legato alla localizzazione: il cellulare può iniziare a vibrare quando si è nelle vicinanze di amici, di atività commerciali, può inviare un promemoria quando si nei pressi di un supermercato, ecc.

12 maggio 2008

Three american researchers are studying a geometrical technique for mapping out music in coordinate space.
Music is not necessarily about anything, it's just truth, and mathmatics say the same thing.

Contrapunto BBDO –Barcelona- has made a Blowup love dolls campaign for women’s antigenital mutilation.
For us western people, the campaign is provocative and fun to look at, but can it start a dialogue with people who believe they’re doing their daughters’ good?

Many people in the world have severe forms of mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, but the social acceptance of mental illness has pretty much stopped at depression.
That’s why -after the Guy Pride- the “Mad Pride movement” has just been founded.
Furniture that disappears when you're done with it
The most noteworthy features of Stanley and other Montauk Sofa pieces will be facets you won't be able to see or feel, like wood frames from sustainably managed forests, uncoated nails, organic fabrics and stuffings, nontoxic dyes and, something extra: biodegradability.
"At first the whole idea was to have as little impact on the environment as possible," said Tim Zyto, chief executive of Montauk. "And then I started to think, wouldn't it be great to have no impact? Then it was, hey, what if the sofa just disappears when you're done with it?" (...) Mr. Zyto has attempted to make his imaginings a reality, at least in principle (if you disregard those pesky nails), joining a number of other home goods manufacturers and designers who are marketing their products as biodegradable.

Anti- genital mutilation ad campaign features blowup love dolls
"More than 140 million women in the world are condemned to feel nothing." Link to post at Ads of the World, more scans on kuteev's livejournal. Campaign by Contrapunto BBDO, Barcelona. The ads are for a group called AMAM, Association of Women against Genital Mutilation, who have run some very provocative PSAs before, too. Oddly, AMAM appears to have no web presence at all, but there are lots of blog posts about past evocative print campaigns.

Stolen Laptop Helps Turn Tables on Suspects
WHITE PLAINS — The thieves were voracious, filching flat-screen televisions and computer games, purloining iPods and DVDs, even making off with a box of liquor and a set of car rims in a burglary two weeks ago at an apartment three young people shared here. Luckily, they also took two laptop computers.

Neil Young gets new honor -- his own spider
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Iconic singer and songwriter Neil Young has had an honor bestowed upon him that is not received by many musicians -- his own spider.
Neil Young passerà ai posteri grazie a un ragno
Nuovi onori e fama imperitura per il musicista canadese Neil Young, questa volta in campo scientifico e senza dover alzare nemmeno un dito: un biologo californiano ha nominato una nuova specie di ragno da lui scoperta con il nome del suo cantante preferito, Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi.

France may breathalyse clubbers
Francia: etilometro obbligatorio per i clubbers
Il consiglio dei ministri francese sta per vagliare una proposta di legge per rendere obbligatorio il test dell'etilometro in tutti i locali notturni che tengono aperto fino alle 2.

09 maggio 2008

Per lune:

Japan Fights Crowds of Crows
Fanning out in small teams, the men in gray jumpsuits scour the streets and rooftops with binoculars, seeking to guard this city from a growing menace. They look for telltale signs: a torn garbage bag, a pile of twigs atop an electric pole or one of the black, winged culprits themselves.

Homicide investigator pumping gas at police station
A Highly trained homicide police investigator is working as a pump attendant within the uganda police force.sources contacted say, he cannot apply his skills any where in uganda. (the story is mainly focused on underwmployment in the country)

Can Human beings get a way from being creatures of habit
human beings set their brains subconsciously to follow the familiar routine. But in this century, habits hindeer creativity and innovateness. How therefore can we direct our own energy by consicously developing new habits instead of dismissing ourselves as 'unchangeable creatures of habit'.

Saving French Fries
The Swiss governmenthas agreed to ease restrictions on the importation of potatoes following fears that Euro 2008 soccer fans could face a shortage of French fries next month.


Since last summer, the FBI has been on the lookout for two men who were seen taking a deep interest in a car-ferry in Seattle. The men were believed to be terrorists, plotting to blow up the ferry. After a worldwide search for the terrorists, they have discovered that the people were just tourists who had never seen a car ferry before.

In what probably sets a new record for the stupidest charity gesture ever, Harrison Ford has decided to wax an acre of his chest hair as an analogy to deforestation.

Pope Benedict XVI will send religious text messages to thousands of young Catholics when he attends World Youth Day in Australia. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7387414.stm

08 maggio 2008

Having a big bottom can prevent you from getting diabetes.

A russsian university is developing a way for people to control computers. A series of electrodes attached to the brain will help you send email, IMs ets, just by thinking about them. The russians, of course, also want to use the technology to develop military weapons.

A british company has invented a non-stick chewing gum. Our sidewalks, bus seats and poles can finally be clean.

07 maggio 2008

A violinist who left his 285-year-old Stradivarius in the back of a New York cab has played a concert to thank the driver who returned it to him

Barcelona's efforts to encourage people to use a bike have been so successful, that even the royal family has taken to biking. However, they are now in trouble for flouting the strict spanish biking rules.

Back in 1936, science magazines were warning people of 'global cooling'. They thought that we might go through another Ice Age.

A man has built an island using 250,000 plastic bottles.
A new book on the shelfs, Heavy Metal Islam: Rock, Resistance, and the Struggle for the Soul of Islam details explains that Black Metal, theoretically known as having satanic lyrics, being anti-religious and anti-Christian, is popular amongst young people in the Middle as an act of rebellion against oppression, censorship and authoritarianism. Interestingly, conservative Muslims also believe that any music beside spiritual chanting is unIslamic.

A man who has had custom-made beer coffin will love Pabst Blue Ribbon beer eternally.
The 67-year-old says he doesn't plan to be using the coffin in the near future so on Saturday he threw a party for friends and filled his coffin with ice and his favorite brew.

And… is an event listing ok? Here are some that I think are important in terms of social concerns of our time:

On the 19th of April GOD & GOODS. Spirituality and Mass Confusion, a new large scale group exhibition, will inaugurate the summer season at the Villa Manin Centre for Contemporary Art. It aims to present the idea of the sacred and the spiritual through the interpretation of 28 artists.
The works of artists underline existential questions, play with the senses and perception of reality and challenge in some cases the mechanisms of beliefs.
Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday will be celebrated in Hyde Park, London on 27 June this year for the benefit of raising money for his charitable organisations including the 46664 campaign which raises awareness about HIV and Aids and promotes HIV prevention, especially in Africa.
This will also mark the nobel laureate's last public appearance and is a tribute to him by his friends, President Bill Clinton, Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Will Smith, Ms. Oprah Winfrey, Robert de Niro and Forest Whitaker and musicians, Queen + Paul Rodgers, Annie Lennox, Simple Minds, Leona Lewis, the Sugababes, Dame Shirley Bassey, Razorlight, Andrea and Sharon Corr, Eddy Grant, and Jamelia.

The Rovereto Inter-Religious Encounter May 22 – 25, 2008
In today's multicultural Europe, the various groups of different cultures and religious traditions
experience a variety of new challenges. These groups are living closely together and in secular states.
The relationship between majority- / minority-populations raises discussions
concerning integration and even assimilation. The expansion of the European
Union has added to this complexity, leading to yet more migration. These
challenges have repeatedly proved the necessity to come together to start – and
maintain – a dialogue across cultural and religious barriers. Vital for this dialog is
the cooperation on our Shared Values. We acknowledge that we are of different
faiths – but must unite for common action.

7 maggio

7 maggio 1921 - Coco Chanel sceglie tra 24 campioni la fragranza che diventerà nota come Chanel N° 5

7 maggio 1946 - Viene fondata la Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering (in seguito ribattezzata Sony). Conta 20 dipendenti

7 maggio 1978- l'alpinista italiano Reinhold Messner raggiunge senza l'ausilio dell'ossigeno la vetta dell'Everest

7 maggio 1998 - La Apple Computer presenta l'iMac.

06 maggio 2008


American soldiers in Iraq are tattooing their hands with the image of a paper-clip to express their opposition with the war just like veterans who wore paper clips to signify their disagreement in Vietnam.

China opened the world's longest cross-sea bridge last week aiming to cut travel time between two major ports, but hundreds of drivers have been fined already for, unexpectedly, driving too slow to enjoy the view.

A beauty queen is bidding to become parliament's newest MP.
Gemma Garrett, Miss Great Britain, plans to fight a by-election this month on a platform of 'making Britain feel beautiful again'.


Research shows that your keyboard is dirtier than a toilet seat.

Research shows that lipstick sales shoot up every time the economy is shakey.

Venice has announced that it will fine tourists who feed pigeons.

Deserti oceanici in crescita (1maggio - Nature - a pagamento)
Negli oceani della fascia tropicale le regioni caratterizzate da scarso tasso di ossigenazione si sono amplite negli ultimi 50 anni. E i modelli climatici prevedono un'ulteriore espansione.

Israeli President Sees Eco-Fuel Fighting "Terror"
JERUSALEM - Israeli President Shimon Peres on Monday hailed his country's new weapon against the threat of "terrorism" from its Middle East neighbours -- the electric car.
Israele combatte il terrorismo con l'ecologia
Shimon Peres lunedì ha affermato in una conferenza che ridurre la dipendenza dal petrolio e quindi dagli stati che lo producono aiuterà la lotta contro il terrorismo. Secondo Peres a crescita del prezzo del petrolio negli ultimi anni ha finanziato il terrorismo, per questo Israele investirà in nuovi progetti ecologici come la produzione di macchine elettriche e lo sviluppo di energia solare.

Environmentalists Divided About Burying CO2
OSLO - Greenpeace and more than 100 other environmental groups denounced projects for burying industrial greenhouse gases on Monday, exposing splits in the green movement about whether such schemes can slow global warming.
La falsa promessa del filtraggio della CO2
Ieri Greenpeace e oltre 100 altri gruppi ambientalisti hanno denunciato il progetto che prevede lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie che filtrino e catturino la CO2 emessa da impianti termici e industrie, evitando così di liberarla nell'ambiente. Secondo Greenpeace il progetto, sostenuto invece dal WWF, è una truffa per evitare la conversione degli impianti tradizionali in impianti a energia pulita.