Favolaschia è un genere di fungo molto strano, infestante, originario dei tropici. Ma la globalizzazione l'ha portato anche nei nostri boschi! Questo sito non parla di funghi, ma favolaschia mi sembrava un nome significativo e evocativo di qualcosa di simile a quello che qui viene raccontato...

09 giugno 2008

Banca per ragazzi
Una banca aperta con laiuto di una ong e gestita da ragazzi di strada per una clientela di ragazzi di strada.
Dove depositare i loro "piccoli" risparmi senza rischiare di farsi derubare ogni minuto.

Marijuana prescribed in Los angeles medicinal clinic.
It's a "medicinal clinic" where "qualified patients" could obtain a doctor's recommendation allowing them the legal use of marijuana.

Seratonin, the Ultimatum Game and your mood.
Researchers measured the mood, fairness judgement and reward processing of participants to the Ultimatum Game, which involves accepting or rejecting offers of money.
Those with lower serotonin levels showed increased retaliation to offers that they perceived to be unfair.

Patients turn to the Internet to have support.
They all turned to the Internet, setting up individual Web sites to give progress reports. In return, they get posted notes of encouragement and support - all without having to repeat the details in emotional and exhausting phone calls.

L'ulltimo audiolibro di Sedaris, autore di Diatio di un fumatore (2007), è disponibile online scaricabile dal sito zipidee (DRM-free )

Albinos in Tanzania face deadly threat
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania: Samuel Mluge steps outside his office and scans the sidewalk. His pale blue eyes dart back and forth, back and forth, trying to focus.
The sun used to be his main enemy, but now he has others

A Heavenly Feast
A rich 80-year-old Indian widow has spent thousands of dollars on a
feast for 100,000 people in the hope it would please the gods and open
the doors of heaven for her, local officials said.

Tips on how to live longer and healthier
Along with a team of demographers and scientists, Buettner spent seven
years studying places where people were living longer and better. That
research, funded in party by the National Institute on Aging, found
that people in these four zones are more likely to see their 100th
birthday. Many of them also manage to avoid diseases of lifestyle and

Killing strangers in Tokyo
A 25-year-old man, Tomohiro Kato, was arrested with blood on his face.
Police said Kato provided no motive for the attack -- other than he
wanted to murder stranger

Surgeons in Glasgow left a 10cm (4in) metal bar inside a teenager's head. Eighteen year old Donovan McGowan lived with the piece of metal inside him for three months after an operation.

Bahrain has elected a Jewish woman as its ambassador to the United States, and is standing up against criticism of the decision by stressing that the envoy is as much Bahraini as any other citizen of the small Gulf kingdom.

A group of mainly housewives from the Japanese city called Obama have come together as Hula dancers under the title, Obama's Girls, in support of US Democratic candidate, Obama, Barak Obama. They have saved up money and are planning to go to Hawai in support of him.