Favolaschia è un genere di fungo molto strano, infestante, originario dei tropici. Ma la globalizzazione l'ha portato anche nei nostri boschi! Questo sito non parla di funghi, ma favolaschia mi sembrava un nome significativo e evocativo di qualcosa di simile a quello che qui viene raccontato...

09 agosto 2007

Dal mondo, di tutto...

Encourage people to take a taxi home with Frankfurt Taxi Services after having a few drinks, rather than get behind the wheel of their own car

Shadow lamps to connect friends
Shadows are being used by Japanese researchers as an non-intrusive way for friends to stay in touch. Called Teleshadow the system pipes video of what people are doing at home via the net to their friends' houses!

"Genius" videos may hinder baby development
Recordings that claim to stimulate baby brain development may actually slow vocabulary development in infants if they are overused, U.S. researchers reported on Wednesday.

Study: diet foods may lead to child obesity
Diet sodas and other noncalorie and low-calorie foods may lead to overeating and obesity among children, media reported Thursday.

Mission to Probe Gorilla Killings in the DRC
Two international organizations will travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo this month to investigate the recent surge in gorilla killings in one of the country's national parks.

08 agosto 2007

Pillole di ambiente (e altro)

Tibetan independence activist blogging inside Beijing
The president of Students for a Free Tibet is in Beijing right now, exactly one year ahead of the 2008 Olympics, vlogging and blogging about Tibetan sovereignty and being a general pain in the ass to the Chinese government.

Rare Yangtze River dolphin probably extinct: study
The long-threatened Yangtze River dolphin in China is probably extinct, according to an international team of researchers who said this would mark the first whale or dolphin to be wiped out due to human activity.

Americans see fat as normal as weights rise: study
Carrying a spare tire or two around the waist has become socially acceptable in the United States as the population's waistlines have expanded, according to a study released on Tuesday.

New species of bat, frogs found in Congo forests
Six new species, including a bat and two frogs, have been discovered in Democratic Republic of the Congo in an eastern area off limits to scientists for decades because of violence, a wildlife group said on Tuesday.

China city traffic cops given 43 years to live
Chinese city traffic police have an average life expectancy of just 43 years because of the dire working conditions and pollution, state media said on Tuesday.

Africa: Mapping Can Save Forests, Say Scientists (27 luglio)
Mapping and remote sensing technology can be used by developing countries to conserve forests and biodiversity, say experts. Such 'geospatial' technology is helping African countries to conserve forests and identify areas in need of intervention, said scientists at a meeting organised by the Society for Conservation GIS-Kenya in Nairobi, Kenya, last week (20 July).

03 agosto 2007

Today's news

Seattle gets groceries from the Amazon(.com

Orangutans play charades to get food

Nissan gets testy with drunk drivers

02 agosto 2007

Today's news

ENVIRONMENT: Tiny Tuvalu Fights for Its Literal Survival
The second smallest nation on Earth hopes to turn itself into an example of sustainable development that others can emulate.

Stolen Aboriginal man wins payout
An Aboriginal man taken from his family as a baby has been awarded compensation in a landmark case in Australia.

Frankenforests: GE Trees Threaten Ecosystem Collapse
Across the U.S. and the world, the timber industry is driving research behind genetically engineered forests. But environmentalists worry that it will open an ecological Pandora's Box.

Birds to Thank for Tall Trees
Boulder, insectivorous birds — chickadees and nuthatches — indirectly helped pine trees grow by up to 33% by feeding on parasitic organisms that sap their resources. They are voracious consumers of harmful insect species such as caterpillars, ants, aphids and beetles.

ENVIRONMENT-CUBA: Reforestation Renews a Barrio
HAVANA, Aug 1 (IPS) - Every morning Mario Véliz makes his way through the streets of Pogolotti, a low-income neighbourhood in the Cuban capital, to the milk shop. Those who only know him because he works there are unaware that this thin, wiry man with a face seamed with age is the life and soul of local reforestation.

ENVIRONMENT-BALKANS: Much Energy Now Goes to Waste
BELGRADE, Jul 30 (IPS/IFEJ) - After years and even decades of neglect, Balkans nations are seeing a new awareness of environmental issues. But across Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia waste management remains a serious problem.

01 agosto 2007

Le news di oggi, possibilmente sull'ambiente...

Astronauti ubriachi?
La Nasa rivede le sue regole, dopo la notizia di alcuni astronauti che avrebbero bevuto birra in orbita. E il new scientist racconta che l'abitudine al cicchetto nello spazio, nonostante l'alcol sia vietato, è storica....

Addio insetti giganti
Uno studio statunitense spiega per quale motivo oggi gli insetti sono
solo di piccole dimensioni, mentre nel passato questi raggiungevano
anche grandi dimensioni: è tutta questione di apparato respiratorio.

Lo studio della capacità di un pesce (zebrafish) di riparare i danni alla retina serve ad aiutare l'uomo a fare altrettanto

Non è ambiente ma...
I soldati inglesi lasciano l'Irlanda del Nord. Dopo 38 anni!!

PARIS - This year's Tour de France may have been ruined by doping scandals but a new city bike scheme has ensured two-wheeled transport has rarely been more popular on the streets of the French capital.

Bad to Worse: Oil Spills Cleaned with Deadly Detergent
Oops—the detergents often used to clean up oil spills appear more toxic to coral reefs than the oil itself, scientists now find.

'Crowd Farm' Converts Footsteps into Electricity
Two MIT students have found the next new source of energy: you.