Favolaschia è un genere di fungo molto strano, infestante, originario dei tropici. Ma la globalizzazione l'ha portato anche nei nostri boschi! Questo sito non parla di funghi, ma favolaschia mi sembrava un nome significativo e evocativo di qualcosa di simile a quello che qui viene raccontato...

03 aprile 2008

BBtv - Second Skin, and the lives of Massively Multiplayer Online gamers

Burkina Faso: Children Educate Children About HIV in UN-Supported Project
Thousands of children in Burkina Faso are taking part in peer education programmes to promote awareness among the country's young about the scourge of HIV/AIDS under a project backed by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

Snow White was Really Green
It turns out that Snow White was a role model for saving the forest and Walt Disney was a secret environmentalist, inserting subliminal messages into his cartoons. Who knew? According to a recent book by two Cambridge academics, all those years of watching Jungle Book, the Little Mermaid and Bambi (re-runs on that one) have made generations of children more sympathetic to the natural world

Gore Launches Climate Change Awareness Campaign
The Gore-led Alliance for Climate Protection, an all-out marketing blitz, launched on Monday with plans to “ignite” Americans into taking action on global climate change. “When people unite and call for action, change is inevitable,” says the Alliance’s website,http://www.wecansolveit.org/.