Favolaschia è un genere di fungo molto strano, infestante, originario dei tropici. Ma la globalizzazione l'ha portato anche nei nostri boschi! Questo sito non parla di funghi, ma favolaschia mi sembrava un nome significativo e evocativo di qualcosa di simile a quello che qui viene raccontato...

26 marzo 2008

La commissione Ue ha annullato l'assegnazione del nuovo marchio per il settore biologico. Il logo assomiglia troppo a quello di una catena di discount tedesca.

Se si vogliono salvare le api, l'ambiente e il consumatore dal bombardamento degli agrochimici riversati dappertutto e dai tossici che finiscono negli alimenti è giunto il momento di impegnarsi in prima persona

Comparing food products with their package photos
A German website, Pundo300, took photos of food products and compared them with the depictions on their packages.

Mapping Zimbabwe’s Election Breaches
Few people around Africa, or the world, are unaware of the injustices being perpetrated against Zimbabweans by their government. It has gone from being the “bread basket of Africa” to a place of staggering inflation and a broken economy. Through it all, there are a few voices online that help bring the real stories of what is happening there to the world.
One of those voices is Sokwanele (which means “enough is enough”), an excellent resource for background and news. Just recently they posted on their blog This is Zimbabwe about a project they have created to map breaches in the Zimbabwe elections using Google maps.

Zimbabwe: violazioni del diritto al voto mappate su Google
In vista delle imminenti elezioni in Zimbabwe, il sito africano Sokwanele ha creato una Google map che riporta le violazioni a sfondo politico subite nella varie città del paese (sequestri, atti di violenza, detenzione illegale).

A website which has a gallery of grannies, and lets you buy socks personally knitted for you by a granny of your choice.

Ants Are Experienced Fungus Farmers
Entomologists Ted Schultz and Seán Brady at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History have been providing new insight into the agricultural abilities of ants and how these abilities have evolved throughout time. Using DNA sequencing, the scientists were able to construct an "evolutionary tree" of fungus-growing ants, which revealed a single pioneering ancestor that discovered agriculture approximately 50 million years ago.

Spy-in-the-sky drone sets sights on Miami
MIAMI (Reuters) - Miami police could soon be the first in the United States to use cutting-edge, spy-in-the-sky technology to beef up their fight against crime. A small pilotless drone manufactured by Honeywell International, capable of hovering and "staring" using electro-optic or infrared sensors, is expected to make its debut soon in the skies over the Florida Everglades.