Favolaschia è un genere di fungo molto strano, infestante, originario dei tropici. Ma la globalizzazione l'ha portato anche nei nostri boschi! Questo sito non parla di funghi, ma favolaschia mi sembrava un nome significativo e evocativo di qualcosa di simile a quello che qui viene raccontato...

21 marzo 2008

Air safety proposal: shock-bracelets controlled by flight attendants
Lamperd, a "firearm training system" company, has patented a bracelet that delivers debilitating shocks when remotely triggered. Their killer app for this is aviation safety: they're proposing that the TSA could force everyone who flies to wear one of these and then flight-attendants could zap us into a stupor if we turn out to be Al Quaeda

Fun Flickr pool: "Name that Film"
In this Flickr pool, you are invited to look at movie stills and try to be the first one to figure out what movies they're from. Most of them stumped me, even though I'm intrigued by the images. Link (Via Eye of the Goof)

Assegnati i premi di YouTube per i migliori video del 2007. Dodici le categorie tra cui le nuove: Film breve, Politica, Sport, Istruzione e Testimone oculare. Tra i vincitori: nella categoria Adorabile ha vinto il video del bimbo che ride a crepapelle mentre gioca col papà, il più creativo è stato giudicato il video del Tetris umano mentre nella categoria Istruzione il primo è andato al video che spiega come risolvere il cubo di Rubik.

Clueless Guys Can't Read Women
More often than not, guys interpret even friendly cues, such as a subtle smile from a gal, as a sexual come-on, and a new study discovers why: Guys are clueless.
Man sells his life on ebay
An Australian man is auctioning off his life on the Internet - complete with house in Perth, job, clothes and even friends.
Ian Usher, who was born in Britain, made the decision to sell-off everything on the online auction site eBay after his marriage broke up.
He says he wants to start a new life.
The auction will take place on June 22.

Best publicity ever
Forget about sending a new product to celebrities or even having them wearing your dresses on the red carpet. Nothing can be better publicity than a TV Show hoster getting bruises (on his face!) because of your recently launched computer. Viewers of the Charlie Rose show tonight were stunned to see the normally composed Rose looking like he'd just been in a bar fight. He has a very bad black eye and a bandage over part of his forehead. I contacted the show's producers to hear what happened. Earlier today, they said, Rose tripped in a pothole while walking on 59th Street in Manhattan. He was carrying a newly purchased MacBook Air and made a quick (but ultimately flawed) decision while falling: sacrifice the face, protect the computer. "In doing so, he pretty much hit the pavement face first, unfortunately," they said.

An entire novel constructed using setences from women's magazine
The idea that Graham Rawle's dazzling new novel might end up stacked among the novelty books at Urban Outfitters (Boring Postcards; The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook) is upsetting. The concept for the book sounds, if ambitious, a bit gimmicky: an entire novel constructed from words cut out of women's magazines from the early 1960s. ButWoman's World is no gimmick. An addictive, zigzagging narrative as beautiful as it is demented, it succeeds on the truism that the more confining an artist's limitations, the more brilliant the resulting work

Too fat to have an operation!
A 195 kilos obese man
cannot have his operation because the beds in the hospital are too
small for him.
Luckily, he needs an operation for a breathing problem
related to his deviated septum, but “what if I need a urgent operation?”
he says.

A catchy tune for census fear in Liberia.
Some don’t know
how old are they; some would probably hide their television in order to
get some help from the state (showing they are poor); some wonder if
its part of a military recruitment drive (a potent fear in a country
where boys as young as 5 were handed machine guns and forced to fight);
others believe it's in preparation for new taxes.
To try to dispel
these and other rumors, the government commissioned a pop star to
compose a catchy tune about the census.

Flirting or not?
Guys have trouble
noticing and interpreting the subtleties of non-verbal cues, in either
The study, to be detailed in the April issue of the journal
Psychological Science, also found that it goes both ways for guys —
they mistake females' sexual signals as friendly one, and friendly
cues, such as a subtle smile from a gal, as a sexual come-on.