A notorious criminal was nabbed in Malawi after he broke into a prison office and stole guns and handcuffs days after completing a six-year jail term for burglary…,8599,1735441,00.html
An Austrian woman has told police that her father kept her captive in a cellar for almost 24 years.
The woman told police that her father also repeatedly raped her and that she gave birth to seven children.
Thousands of people suspected of petty offences such as dropping litter have been spied on by councils under anti-terrorism laws in Britain…
Assisi forbids begging close to churches
Assisi's mayor has forbidden that any beggers come close to the churches of the town. It would be just another controversial political decision, if it weren't for the fact that it is ironic as well: Saint Francis of Assisi - the saint responsable for the town's fame worldwide - was a begger himself, having begged at the church doors for the poor when he pilgrimaged to Rome.
When a logo goes wrong
It cost £14,000 to create, but clearly no-one at the smart London design outfit that came up with the new logo for HM Treasury thought to turn it on its side. But, of course, regular people did.
Gay scientists isolate the Christian gene
Very ironic video showing a TV news story about gay scientists that, after years of study, isolated the gay gene. The whole speech is just the same as the one of the Christians who insist that homosexuality can be prevented. Funny and straight to the point.
Why is there hunger in the world?
Lack of food or expensive food took a lot of people into the street in protests, on the last weeks: in Egypt, Camaron, Haiti and Burkina Faso. This is probably the beginning: in 2007, food price got 57% more expensive around the world. In countries that import food, the inflation came up to 74%. Many bloggers and websites are trying to understand why this is happening
Urban Miners Look For Precious Metals In Cell Phones
HONJO, Japan, - Thinking of throwing out your old cell phone? Think again. Maybe you should mine it first for gold, silver, copper and a host of other metals embedded in the electronics -- many of which are enjoying near-record prices.
Rush to Biofuel Market Bypasses Female Farmers
Women are most of the developing world's farmers. But they are being left out of the rush to grow lucrative petrol alternatives because of their limited access to land, capital and technology, according to a major study released this week.
Barn owl helps to find new Irish shrew
A species of shrew has been found in Ireland for the first time - after it was discovered it was featuring on an owl's menu.
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