Favolaschia è un genere di fungo molto strano, infestante, originario dei tropici. Ma la globalizzazione l'ha portato anche nei nostri boschi! Questo sito non parla di funghi, ma favolaschia mi sembrava un nome significativo e evocativo di qualcosa di simile a quello che qui viene raccontato...

22 aprile 2008

Top 10 Craziest Environmental Ideas
Dieci idee più o meno bizzarre e più o meno realizzabili che, se realizzate, potrebbero contribuire a migliorare l'ambiente.

Secret pact allows the US to spy on UK motorists
THE UK Home Secretary secretively signed a "special certificate" last year that gives foreign security agencies real-time access to traffic camera images and related data monitoring British motorists on highways throughout the UK.

World map of metabolism finds blood pressure clues
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Researchers creating a map of human metabolism around the world have found compounds in urine that point to some surprising differences affecting blood pressure, based not on genes but on what people eat and their gut bacteria.

La mappa mondiale del metabolismo
Grazie a uno studio su scala mondiale i ricercatori hanno creato una mappa delle differenze nel metabolismo umano nei diversi paesi del mondo. Pare che le popolazioni mondiali siano caratterizzate da diversi tipi di flora intestinale che influenzerebbe le componenti principali dell'urina, andando a incidere in modo differenziato sulla pressione sanguigna. Studiando le componenti in gioco gli scienziati sperano di sviluppare nuovi farmaci o diete efficaci per la pressione.

AGRICULTURE: Brazil Shares Technology with Africa
RIO DE JANEIRO, Apr 21 (IPS) - The people of Brazil have reason to believe that they are making a real contribution to reducing hunger and environmental threats in the world by developing agricultural technology that has begun to be shared with poorer countries.

Oil running out as prime energy source: world poll
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Most people believe oil is running out and governments need to find another fuel, but Americans are alone in thinking their leaders are out of touch with reality on this issue, an international poll said on Sunday.

The Air-Powered Motorcycle by Jem Stansfield
Jem Stansfield is not exactly the average tinkerer. He has a degree in aeronautics and is an inventor and special effects technician. But still, his DIY air-powered motorcycle, the first of its kind according to him, is quite cool

135 Million Tons of CO2 Saved - And Counting
The UN's Kyoto Protocol is sometimes considered a bust because it doesn't include the US, yet recent statistics from Det Norske Veritas, the certifying agency of Kyoto's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects in the developing world, are heartening Earth Day news. Thus far 1,000 projects in 49 countries have "saved" carbon dioxide emissions of 135 million tons, and are expected to "save" a total of 1.2 billion tons of CO2 by the end of 2012, when Kyoto's first mandate period ends. For comparison, Norway emits about 54 million tons annually.