"Big Brother" restaurant opens to study diners
A new research center -- dubbed the "restaurant of the future" -- at the Dutch university of Wageningen hopes to help answer these questions and more by tracking diners with dozens of unobtrusive cameras and monitoring their eating habits.
Gun Love in America Is Strong as Ever
New Algae-Growing Technique Could Lead to Earth-Friendly Fabric, Paint
Going green is fashionable, but dyeing our clothes has remained a decidedly eco-unfriendly practice. Now, British scientists have developed a way to grow harmless algae to add color to fabric and paint.
This map gives a brief history of the world's most well-known religions: a 90-second Flash videos that show expansion and contraction of empires and religions over the centuries.
Via BoingBoing: http://www.boingboing.net/2007/10/15/history-of-religion.html
The Seven Secrets of Inspiring Leaders
American business professionals are uninspired. Only
10% of employees look forward to going to work and
most point to a lack of leadership as the reason why,
according to a recent Maritz Research poll. But it
doesn't have to be that way. All business leaders have
the power to inspire, motivate, and positively
influence the people in their professional lives.
Study seeks DNA clues on homosexuality
Julio and Mauricio Cabrera are gay brothers who are
convinced their sexual orientation is as deeply rooted
as their Mexican ancestry. They are among 1,000 pairs
of gay brothers taking part in the largest study to
date seeking genes that may influence whether people
are gay.
US touts studying postpartum depression
The House on Monday urged health agencies to expand
research into postpartum depression problems that
affect up to one-fifth of new mothers and can, if
untreated, lead to more serious psychoses. Democrats
also accepted a GOP-backed provision that approves a
National Institutes of Mental Health study into the
psychological consequences of abortions.
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