Favolaschia รจ un genere di fungo molto strano, infestante, originario dei tropici. Ma la globalizzazione l'ha portato anche nei nostri boschi! Questo sito non parla di funghi, ma favolaschia mi sembrava un nome significativo e evocativo di qualcosa di simile a quello che qui viene raccontato...

14 settembre 2007

E oggi...

One Bird, One Record Non-Stop Journey: New Zealand To Alaska And Back
WASHINGTON - A female Bar-tailed Godwit, a large, streamlined shorebird, has touched down in New Zealand following an epic, 18,000-mile-long (29,000 km) series of flights tracked by satellite, including the longest non-stop flight recorded for a landbird.

CORRECTED - World's 10 Most Polluted Places
Official correction to show that Blacksmith Institute said it incorrectly identified one of the Chinese sites. The correct site is Tianying

Farm Aid 2007: The Recap
New York City was sought out as a venue for the first time in the 22-year history of the annual benefit concert, which was first launched in 1985 in Champaign, Illinois to raise funds for beleaguered family farmers and to spread awareness that American farm families were struggling to make a living.

RideAmigos: Car-Sharing in NYC

Ride-sharing gets up close and local for New Yorkers with RideAmigos, a new money- and planet-saving service that launched earlier this month. The site, which allows you to create cab-shares online, hooks you up with other New Yorkers who are embarking from the same place or headed to the same destination.