Favolaschia รจ un genere di fungo molto strano, infestante, originario dei tropici. Ma la globalizzazione l'ha portato anche nei nostri boschi! Questo sito non parla di funghi, ma favolaschia mi sembrava un nome significativo e evocativo di qualcosa di simile a quello che qui viene raccontato...

05 settembre 2007

News di oggi

Doctor warns consumers of popcorn fumes
Consumers, not just factory workers, may be in danger
from fumes from buttery flavoring in microwave
popcorn, according to a warning letter to federal
regulators from a doctor at a leading lung research

Move to new planet, says Hawking
The human race must move to a planet beyond our Solar
System to protect the future of the species, physicist
Professor Stephen Hawking has warned.

State of Play: The game of love
People play games for many reasons, but increasing
numbers are finding that they are a great way to size
up potential partners.

Australians cook up wild cat stew
Australians have come up with a novel solution to the
millions of feral cats roaming the outback - eat them.