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No butts on the beach
The Surfers Against Sewage “No Butts on the Beach” campaign is into its 5th year, and in that time they’ve given away 8,000 pocket ashtrays to responsible smokers.
Too Much Self-Esteem Can Be Bad for Your Child
American schools stress self-esteem as the stepping stone to academic achievement. But students from Asian cultures, which place little stock in self-esteem, seem to do better than their American counterparts in school.
La Grande Mela verde
New York lancia una campagna di sensibilizzazione per l'uso dell'acqua del rubinetto.
Doctor 'prescribed an exorcism'
A family planning doctor prescribed an exorcism to a woman during a routine appointment, a medical tribunal heard
Four-story public bathroom
A four-story, 30,000-foot public bathroom recently opened in Chonggqing, China.
Origins of common symbols
Neatorama posted the origins of several common symbols, reprinted from a book titled Uncle John's Supremely Satisfying Bathroom Reader.
Play peak oil before you live it
Collaborative intelligence wiz Jane McGonigal designs alternate reality games to solve the world's biggest problems. Enviros love her -- but so does the military.
Bicycling Gains Popularity Even in the Bike-Crazy Netherlands
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands -- The distance the average Dutch person bicycles every day has increased by nearly 10 percent in the past five years, the country's Central Bureau for Statistics said Monday -- remarkable in a nation already renowned for its love of two-wheeled transport.
Eco-Tip: Make Your Lithium Batteries Last
From your laptop to your mobile phone to your trusty iPod, there's no doubt most of us rely on lithium-ion batteries each and every day. We think they are great, powering some of our favorite rechargeable gizmos and are well on their way to powering a new generation of electric vehicles. But even in all their rechargeable glory, lithium-ions do eventually lose their power. Here are 4 tips from Spicy Gadget Roll to help make sure your Crackberries and MacBooks stay powered without having to burn through batteries.
Solving South Australia's Water Shortage with Plastic Bladders?
As far as unconventional ideas to resolve droughts go, this one by Queensland physicist Ian Edmonds is a winner. What he suggests doing is float large volumes of fresh water in plastic "bladders" down the East Australian current from the north of Australia (where water is plentiful) to the south...
India to Privatize Reforestation Efforts… For the Sake of More TP
In an effort to meet the costly goal of covering one third of the country with trees by 2012, India’s financially-strapped environment ministry is seeking to lease degraded forests to private firms, especially those from the pulp and paper industries, who will be allowed to farm the trees for paper pulp.
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