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Balance your books for the planet
Now there is a way for you to balance out the damage caused to forests by the books that you read. Eco-Libris has partnered with Sustainable Harvest International, Ripple Africa and The Alliance for International Reforestation, to plant trees to replace those cut down to print the books that you read.
Teapot 'is the healthiest option' (K)
The traditional way of making tea in a pot is
healthier than dunking a bag in a cup, according to
25% of virgins 'ignore safe sex' (K)
More than a quarter of people in the UK do not use
contraception when they lose their virginity, a survey
has claimed.
Beating congestion with mobiles (K)
Working out how people use a city's roads and planning
for it, can be difficult, but research into mobile
phone use may hold the key to preventing traffic jams
in the future.
Travelers face tighter security, possible waits (K)
Travelers setting off for the Fourth of July holiday
can expect tighter security at U.S. airports in
response to an attack Saturday on the Glasgow airport
in Scotland.
New Drug Deletes Bad Memories
Do you have a really bad memory, or past heartache, that you would prefer to forget?
Researchers at Harvard and McGill University (in Montreal) are working on an amnesia drug that blocks or deletes bad memories. The technique seems to allow psychiatrists to disrupt the biochemical pathways that allow a memory to be recalled.
Generosity among rats
Rats do unto others as they have been done to.
ALBANIA: Saving Beaches for Others, and Itself
TIRANA, Jul 3 (IPS) - Albania has launched a new programme to save its beaches for tourists – and from tourists.
Texas Begins Desalinating Sea Water
On a one-acre site alongside a string of shrimp boats docked on the Brownsville ship channel stands a $2.2 million assembly of pipes, sheds, and humming machinery -- Texas' entree into global efforts to make sea water suitable to drink.
Another outdoor warning note
L'idrogeno nelle macchinine (C)
Ancora troppo costoso per essere utilizzato com e combustibile per le auto, l'idrogeno sta trovando applicazioni più ludiche
Argentavis magnificent: l'uccello gigante del passato (C)
Studiato il volatile vissuto in Argentina sei milioni di anni fa. L'apertura alare di 7 metri creava non pochi problemi al decollo degli esemplari adulti, ma una volta in volo, grazie alla portata delle ali, poteva facilmente sfruttare le termiche senza fatica.
I videogiocatori spendono il 30 per cento in meno del loro tempo a leggere e le videogiocatrici a fare i lavori di casa. Ma le abitudini degli appassionati dei videogame però non sembrano scalfire le relazioni familiari. University of Michigan (C)
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