News dal mondo

Name that feeling: You'll feel better
Putting feelings into words makes sadness and anger less intense, U.S. brain researchers said on Wednesday, in a finding that explains why talking to a therapist -- or even a sympathetic bartender -- often makes people feel better.
World refugees on rise after 5 years (K)
The numbers of people driven from their homes by
violence, natural disasters and poverty increased last
year for the first time since 2002 and is almost
certain to rise further due to deepening conflicts
across the world, the U.N. refugee chief said.
Sand more deadly than sharks at beach (K)
Waves and sharks aren't the only dangers at the beach.
More than two dozen young people have been killed over
the last decade when sand holes collapsed on them,
report father-and-son doctors who have made warning of
the risk their personal campaign.
Exhibit examines history of gay veterans (K)
The airman's dress blues are faded, the footlocker he
carried through three tours in Vietnam has gone to
rust. Yet the epitaph he chose to mark his grave is
still as fresh as today's headlines: "When I was in
the military they gave me a medal for killing two men
and a discharge for loving one."
India rattled by vibrating condom (K)
A vibrating condom has sparked a fierce debate in
India, over whether it is a sex toy - which are banned
- or a means of birth control.
Fighting Cancer with Video Games (M)
When it comes to fighting cancer, however, coercion
takes a back seat to innovation.
Solstice Revelers Heading for Stonehenge (M)
Solstice celebrations were a highlight of the
pre-Christian calendar. People in many countries still
celebrate with bonfires, maypole dances, and courtship
Missing: Large lake in southern Chile (M)
A lake in southern Chile has mysteriously disappeared,
prompting speculation the ground has simply opened up
and swallowed it whole.
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