Favolaschia è un genere di fungo molto strano, infestante, originario dei tropici. Ma la globalizzazione l'ha portato anche nei nostri boschi! Questo sito non parla di funghi, ma favolaschia mi sembrava un nome significativo e evocativo di qualcosa di simile a quello che qui viene raccontato...

19 febbraio 2008

AAA Africa cercasi

Africa: Google Sees Cellphone As Ticket Into Continent
GOOGLE, the world's most popular search engine, had to tailor its offerings to work better on cellphones if it was to make real headway in Africa, the group said yesterday. In a continent with a dearth of computers, the cellphone is the only way most people can get online. And as only 22% of cellphone users have computers, even in relatively wealthy SA, Google's local branch is making mobile search technologies its priority.
Africa: Tomorrow's Internet Users Today - African Universities Play Catch-Up With Online Content
African universities are crucial to the future development of the Internet on the continent in two ways. Firstly, they contain one of the largest groups of existing and potential users: today's student user is tomorrow's future decision-maker. Secondly, universities should be generators of content that will be used by the same students to increase their knowledge and skills. The Kenyan Government and Google have both said they want to provide free Internet connectivity to students.


Cinque regole per campare cent'anni
Non fumare, controllare il peso, tenere sotto controllo il sangue, fare esercizio fisico ed evitare il diabete.
Lo studio, condotto su 2300 settantenni, è iniziato nel 1981 e si è concluso recentamente. 970 anziani sono sopravvissuti oltre i 90 anni.

GUATEMALA: Indigenous Women Weave Incomes, Self-Confidence
SOLOLÁ, Guatemala, Feb 18 (IPS) - "Before forming part of the association, we were shut up in our houses. Now we have overcome our fear and shame of going out and seeing new places, and we are bringing money in for our families," says Nicolasa Raxtun, a 30-year-old Maya Cakchiquel Indian woman.