Finding Geothermal Energy Just Got Easy
The ground beneath your feet contains energy, vast sums of energy. It has been estimated that in the U.S. alone the geothermal energy resources are enough to power the entire U.S. for 30,000 years
A Picture is Worth... Watch the Amazon Go Down in Paper Towels
Crazy As They Need To Be: Circumcised Women Who Support The Practice
This weekend, the American Anthropological Association will hold an annual meeting that ought to make quite a bit of noise for such a seemingly staid body. Interestingly, international groups which oppose "this procedure" will be debating anthropologists who support it. Among the dissenters? African anthropologists who have personally undergone, and defend, female circumsicion.
We are good friends![PICS]
Devout Cypriots Pray For Rain To End Drought
Devout Greek Cypriots converged on Orthodox churches on Sunday to pray for rain to end a crippling drought that threatens to empty the Mediterranean island's reservoirs by the end of the year.
BRUSSELS - Do you have a big carbon footprint? Get out your mobile phone and check.
Uganda: Breastfeeding Vs Alcohol
TO drink or not to drink alcohol, is a question that plagues many breastfeeding mothers. For some, it is a no-go area.
Court rules employee worked to death
A Toyota Motor Corp employee died of overwork after logging more than 106 hours of overtime in a month, a judge ruled Friday, reversing a ministry's earlier decision not to pay compensation to his widow
Australia ratifies the Kyoto protocol
Just hours after being sworn in as Australia's 26th prime minister on
Monday, Kevin Rudd ratified the protocol.
The ratification will come into force in 90 days. The move leaves the
United States out in the cold, as the only major economy to boycott the UN
climate pact.
Facebook Founder Finds He Wants Some Privacy
Social networking Web sites can seem dedicated to the idea that nobody’s
personal life is worth keeping private, but when it comes to Mark
Zuckerberg — the founder of Facebook, one of the largest networks —
Facebook disagrees. Facebook tried last week to force the magazine 02138 to
remove some unflattering documents about Mr. Zuckerberg from its Web site.
But a federal judge turned down the company’s request for a court order to
take down the material, according to the magazine’s lawyers.
Brain wiring link to paedophilia
Scans have shown that paedophilia may be the result of
faulty connections in the brain.
Brazil to dispense condoms in schools
Brazil - Brazil's government announced plans to put
condom-dispensing machines in public schools to help
teenagers reduce the spread of AIDS.
Italian shoots wife in hospital
A 77-year-old Italian man has been arrested after
shooting dead his wife as she lay in hospital.
The man told police he did it because he could not
stand to see her suffer.
Gli edifici più alti del mondo... nel 1884
Un blog di architettura ripropone un documento originale di fine 800 in cui vengono segnalati gli edifici più alti del mondo: al primo posto compare il monumento di Washington (l'obelisco) che fu ultimato proprio quell'anno, che soffia il posto alla cattedrale di Colonia. Molti i monumenti di Roma (san Pietro, Colosseo ecc) in classifica. C'è poi un paragone con gli edifici più alti al mondo nel 2007
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